Focke-Wulf Jet Fighters

Author(s): Justo Miranda 

ISBN: 9781781556641
The deadliest aircraft designed during the last months of the Second World War were an inspiration for the first generation of Cold War supremacy fighters ala the North American F-86 Sabre and Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15
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  • An extraordinary book that chronicles for the first time the outlandish designs that the Germans were working on in 1945 

  • Presents a historical framework and performance details for each project 

  • Profusely illustrated with technical drawings and gives exhaustive coverage on different models and variants 

  • Written by the best-selling author of The Ultimate Piston Fighters of the Luftwaffe, The Ultimate Flying Wings of the Luftwaffe and Axis Suicide Squads: German and Japanese Secret Projects of the Second World War 

During the Second World War, Focke-Wulf installed a radial engine in its Fw 190 fighter to avoid competing against Messerschmitt for inline powerplants.

The Luftwaffe’s decision to assign precious turbojets to Messerschmitt and Arado, and the discovery of compressibility buffeting, made fighter designs most interesting. Kurt Tank proposed to install a centrifugal turbojet of his design in the nose of a Fw 190 A/3 with the intention of replacing it with a Jumo 004 B when available in 1943. Designs followed that could use all turbojets, turboprops, ramjets and rocket engines, either projected or at their disposal.

They constitute the documental material and stunning illustrations in Focke-Wulf Jet Fighters, the first book on the subject. After failing in the TL Jagdfleugzeug contests in March 1943, Volksflugzeug in September 1944 and Hochleitungs Nachtjäger in January 1945, Focke-Wulf finally overcame its competitors with the Jägernotprogramm design: the Ta 183. Although it was too late to intervene in the dying embers of war, it served as inspiration for numerous designs in other countries. 

BOOK ISBN 9781781556641
FORMAT 248 x 172 mm
BINDING Hardback
PAGES 256 pages
PUBLICATION DATE 08 February 2018
ILLUSTRATIONS 120 back-and-white scale drawings



Justo Miranda is the author of books and monographs on aviation since the 1980s. A widely known historian, Miranda specialises in aviation of the 1930s and is the author of two volumes on aircraft used during the Spanish Civil War. The exciting discovery of a microfilm on secret German weapons in the early 1990s drove him to publish Secret Wonder Weapons of the Third Reich, later published by Schiffer in 1996. Since then, Miranda has published Reichdreams and monographs on little known airplane projects.