The RAF in the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain: A Reappraisal of Army and Air Policy 1938

Author(s): Greg Baughen 

ISBN: 9781781555255
£17.50 £25.00
Reassesses the role played by the RAF and questions whether air power alone can achieve decisive results.

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  • Profusely illustrated with photographs and maps

  • Analyses how ready the RAF was to deal with an invasion

  • Describes the bitter, behind the scenes battles between the Army and RAF

ln May 1940, the German Army and the Allied forces they faced were fairly evenly matched. Two months later, Britain was on her own, hopelessly outnumbered and facing imminent defeat. Should the RAF have done more to support the Allied armies in France? Could the RAF have protected the British Army better at Dunkirk? How narrow was the margin of victory in the Battle of Britain? Was the RAF ready to deal with an invasion? Why were hundreds of American combat planes and experienced Polish and Czech pilots never used?

All these questions and more are answered in Greg Baughen’s third book in his gripping series. In The RAF in the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain: A Reappraisal of Army and Air Policy 1938-1940, Baughen describes the furious battles between the RAF and the Luftwaffe, and the equally bitter struggle between the Air Ministry and the War Office – and explains how close Britain really came to defeat in the summer of 1940.

BOOK ISBN 9781781555255
FORMAT 234 x 156 mm
BINDING Hardback
PAGES 304 pages
PUBLICATION DATE 15 October 2015
ILLUSTRATIONS 71 black-and-white photographs



Greg Baughen was educated at Sussex University where he obtained a degree in Mathematics. His interest in military aviation was sparked by curiosity over the calamitous defeat of British and French forces in the Battle of France in 1940. For many years, he has delved through public archives in Paris and London seeking explanations. The quest has taken him back to the origins of air power in both countries and forward to what might have been in the Cold War. Baughen is currently working on a series of studies that will trace the history of the RAF from its origins through to the thermonuclear age.