The British Shell Shortage of the First World War

Author(s): Phillip Harding 

ISBN: 9781781554531
The effects of the British shell shortage on political and military events in the First World War.
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The severe shortage of munitions during the First World War increased the level of casualties in the battlefields; prevented the breakthrough of the German defences thus continuing a war of attrition; brought about the downfall of the great Liberal Government of the early twentieth century; and placed the British public on a total war footing for the first time in history. The British Shell Shortage of the First World War looks at shell manufacture and views the military and political battles of 1915, a time when decisions made by a government whose ideology was not compatible to war, had to answer for their decisions and management since war was declared.

It details the battles of Neuve Chapelle and Aubers Ridge from the perspective of The Rifle Brigade, whose casualties in the latter battle was the catalyst of The Times article that resulted in a coalition government and the creation of a Ministry of Munitions. The political and military casualties are explained, along with the innovative creation of the Munitions Ministry, which led the way for industrial conscription, ensuring that the whole country stood behind their fighting men.

BOOK ISBN 9781781554531
FORMAT 234 x 156 mm
BINDING Hardback
PAGES 192 pages
ILLUSTRATIONS 35 colour illustrations



Phillip Harding was born in 1959 and is the youngest son of a rifleman who fought in the Second World War. Harding researched into his family’s history and collected information on his father’s war career and service years. Encouraged by Sir Christopher Wallace of the Green Jackets Museum, Harding compiled his first book to give recognition to the brave men and officers of the 2nd Battalion.