The Anglo-Saxon Avon Valley Frontier: A River of Two Halves

Author(s): Hannah Whittock and Martyn Whittock  

ISBN: 9781781552827
The Anglo-Saxon Avon Frontier: a 'river' of two halves and a frontier continuity from the late Iron Age to the Norman Conquest.
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The Anglo-Saxon AvonValley Frontier: A River of Two Halves is a ground-breaking exploration of the Anglo-Saxon ‘Avon Valley frontier’, combining archaeology and documentary sources to present a case for remarkable continuity as measured by a wide range of evidence. Based on research in the department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at Cambridge University, this study explores the evidence of archaeology, chronicles, charters and place names to analyse the history of the ‘Bristol Avon’ as a frontier from the 4th to the 11th century.

The result is a regional history that mirrors the history of Anglo-Saxon England. It also reveals a striking continuity in the use of the Avon Valley as a frontier, the roots of which are discernible in the Late Iron Age. Yet this continuity tells two different stories either side of Bath, which influenced the actions of successor kingdoms over hundreds of years. In this history, Offa, Alfred, Guthrum, Edward the Elder, Athelstan, Edgar and Cnut all played their parts. Even the legendary Arthur and the semi-legendary Vortigern have walk-on parts. What is surprising is that 21st-century civil and church boundaries still reflect this history which is over 1,500 years old.

BOOK ISBN 9781781552827
FORMAT 234 x 156 mm
BINDING Paperback
PAGES 160 pages
ILLUSTRATIONS 40 colour photographs



Hannah Whittock graduated with a First in ‘Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic’ (ASNC) from Cambridge University in 2011 and completed her MPhil at Cambridge University in 2012 supervised by the internationally famous Anglo-Saxonist Professor Simon Keynes. She reads Old English, Old Norse and Insular Latin. She is currently working for the devolved Welsh Government.

Martyn Whittock graduated from Bristol University and is an experienced historical author and communicator of history having taught the subject for over thirty years. He has acted as an historical and educational consultant to English Heritage and the National Trust. His specialist period of study is Anglo-Saxon England and the early medieval period in Britain generally. He is currently Curriculum Leader for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development at a Wiltshire secondary school.