Operation Tonga: The Glider Assault: 6 June 1944 (paperback edition)

ISBN: 9781804200551
$23.00 $33.00
A lively and comprehensive account of the Glider Pilot Regiment’s role in the first stage of the airborne assault in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944.
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  • Written by two military historians whose close relatives took part in Operation Tonga

  • Draws on a rich and unique collection of survivor testimonies

  • This edition published to mark the 80th anniversary of the operation

Operation Tonga was vital to the success of D-Day. It included the famous attacks on the Merville Battery and the bridges over the Orne River and Caen Canal, as well as the lesser known, though equally important provision of an anti-tank screen to protect the southern and eastern flanks of the invasion beaches from German counterattacks. This account, the product of several years of research, includes the stories of the crews that evaded capture by the Germans and pays tribute to the help they received from local resistance fighters. The contribution of the nine gliders that took part in the ‘Coup de Main’ landings has been well-documented, but little has been written of the other eighty-nine gliders that participated. Operation Tonga—The Glider Assault: 6 June 1944 tells the full story.

BOOK ISBN 9781804200551
FORMAT 234 x 156 mm
BINDING Paperback
PAGES 176 pages
ILLUSTRATIONS 31 black and white photographs



Kevin Shannon’s father, Bill, took part in Operation Tonga. Shannon spent ten years in the British Army, serving in a number of regiments. After many years of teaching history in a secondary school, he now works with young people with behavioural problems.

Stephen Wright is the nephew of Billy Marfleet who was killed on Operation Tonga. He is a former teacher and currently works as a youth officer in the fire and rescue service. It was through their mutual interest in the operation that the two spent three years gathering stories from survivors and reading official accounts.