Zero to Hero: From a Boys' Home to RAF Hero

Author(s): Peter W. Bodle 

ISBN: 9781781553039
$17.00 $24.00
The remarkable biography of Victor Roe, one of the longest serving rear gunners in the RAF’s Pathfinders.
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Zero to Hero is unique in that it tells the story of Victor Roe, one of the longest- serving RAF rear gunners with The Pathfinders and in so doing, plots the rise of an 'institutionalised' lad from a Boys' Home to a well-respected bomber aircrew member amongst peers, who were an elite group of top class airmen and who all of whom had a far better start in life than he did.

In stories such as this, it is not uncommon to find the words 'humble beginning' describing the start in life that someone had. In Victor's case a humble beginning would have been a huge step up from where he started his short, but astonishingly praiseworthy life.

One of nine children born to two impoverished alcoholics-all of whom were removed by the courts from their parent's custody by the age of two-is hardly the start that would be attributed to a hero of the RAF, but that was how Victor started.

Victor was always determined that with the advent of war, he would do his bit for his country, no one can deny that he did that and more.

BOOK ISBN 9781781553039
FORMAT 234 x 156 mm
BINDING Hardback
PAGES 160 pages
PUBLICATION DATE 15 November 2014
ILLUSTRATIONS 57 black and white photographs



Peter W. Bodle FRAeS started out in life as an engineer, became a designer and then an inventor by inventing the Passive Floor Path Marking System for passenger carrying aircraft. The company he started then is now the world’s leader in this technology. Fortunately, its success has allowed him the time to pursue his writing interests and has so far had almost twenty biographies and aviation history published. Bodle was a light aircraft pilot for almost twenty-five years and is married with four children and an ever growing number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.