Gauleiter: The Regional Leaders of the Nazi Party and Their Deputies Volume 3

ISBN: 9781781558263
A biographical encyclopaedia of the senior Nazi Party (NSDAP) officials who governed the forty-three administrative regions (Gaue) of Hitler’s Third Reich.
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  • The third of four planned volumes objectively documenting the senior leadership of the Nazi Party

  • 616 pages and lavishly illustrated with 508 photographs, many previously unpublished

  • Includes translations of numerous contemporary documents, newspaper articles, speeches and personal correspondence

  • The first and only comprehensive study of all Gauleiters in any language

The reference works by Michael Miller and Andreas Schulz, painstakingly compiled on the basis of meticulous research, are a great help to historians of the Third Reich and to anyone wishing to learn precise biographical and career details of the Nazi leadership.

Sir Ian Kershaw

No dictator can effectively govern a nation on his own. This was certainly the case with Adolf Hitler who had little time for or interest in the day-to-day regional administration of the Nazi Party.

For that purpose, he appointed his most loyal, charismatic and brutal subordinates: the ‘Little Hitlers’, officially known as Gauleiters.

In this third volume of a series begun in 2012, Michael Miller and Andreas Schulz present in meticulous detail the lives, careers and crimes of thirty-seven such men. Included are several whose wartime career paths took them outside of their home provinces and led to widespread oppression and terror outside the borders of the Third Reich.

Among these were Fritz Sauckel who presided over the roundup of millions for slave labour in the Reich, Josef Terboven who oppressed the people of Norway with uncompromising brutality for five years and Gustav Simon who ruthlessly ‘Germanised’ Luxembourg.

Perhaps most notorious of all was Julius Streicher whose virulent attacks – in writing and at the podium – made him the unofficial face of anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany.

BOOK ISBN 9781781558263
FORMAT 248 x 172 mm
BINDING Hardback
PAGES 686 pages
ILLUSTRATIONS 508 black-and-white photographs



Michael Miller was born in Torrance, California, in 1971. A U.S. Navy Veteran (1989-1993) who served in Sardinia and Spain, he is the author/ co-author of six books on the senior leadership of the Third Reich. His interest in European history, with an emphasis on the Second World War, dates to 1978. He currently works as a certified peer specialist for the Department of Veterans Affairs in California.

Andreas Schulz was born in Stendal (Altmark) in 1965. After completing his studies in Magdeburg, he worked as a hydraulic engineer. For over a decade, he has served in the Bundespresseamt (Federal Press Office) of the German Government.

    • Foreword 7
    • Acknowledgements 10
    • Introduction 12

  • End 616